The name April is rooted in Latin origins, aprilis or aperire meaning, “to open.” It often references springtime and new growth, or a change in the season. I never used to like my name and I felt slightly jealous of my brothers who were given strong Biblical names. I was unaware of its importance or why my parents chose that particular name besides it being my birth month. What is significant about it is that God spoke to me around the age of 13 and I remember realizing how powerful my name ment. During that same time, I discovered my life verse, Isaiah 45:1-3. It was like a light bulb went off. I love how God shows us that His Word is alive as He puts his breath on scripture and it is just what we need. I knew from that point on, I would devote myself to God and by His anointing, He would open doors that I could not open and that He alone called me by name.

As I grew up, I fell in love with teaching and went into the profession. I also developed my voice and served in ministry for many years in leading worship. Although I had thought these were very good things, I did not know that I was on a trajectory of missing God’s beautiful and perfect will. Eventually, He did have to disrupt my plan so He could revise a new one. I felt the nudging of the Spirit and quit my job to move towards the unknown. It was two years of soul searching and as I went through these tests, I had to come to the end of myself, the thought of who I had to be. I had to let go of all the titles, security and pride as God just wanted me to be still and just be His child. That being April was enough and deserving of His unmerited love.

God wanted to secure a newer and stronger foundation in Him so I could be ready for the next phase of my life. Currently, I work as a local director of a non-profit and I get to use all of my skills, experience and heart for ministry like never before. What’s even more amazing, is I work alongside churches to create a culture of love and partnership to build the Kingdom. In my spare time, I love grabbing a coffee with a friend, a long drive in quietness, and having a good meal with my family. Those are the moments I call kisses from heaven. I am still in awe of our creator God and how He weaves all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. And His purpose will come to pass, even in failure, questioning and yes even in doubt, He will kindly knock at the door of our hearts and ask us ‘to open’ up to His awesome wonder.


I have known Pastor Rosa Perez since college, and the first thing I remember about her was that I could hear her before I even saw her. She had a powerful voice then and is an even more powerful voice now as she pastors a congregation with her awesome husband George Perez in El Centro, CA. It was her, who first asked me to come to preach at her brother’s church 7 years ago and it was then that I experienced such a strong anointing of God. I saw the hunger and desperation of God’s people, and I was so touched that God would allow me the honor to speak into so many lives. After that experience, I knew that this was also part of my ministry to the Lord. Isaiah 6:8, says, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!”

In April, God sent me to Edificando Y Conquistando Iglesia Cristiana and as I gave the Word in English, my beautiful friend, Rosa gave the translation in Spanish. God made it so effortless, and it flowed in such a glorious way. With the help of my team, we prayed for nearly everyone in the sanctuary. As we poured out, God kept pouring in! I was amazed by the congregation’s openness and their eagerness to receive a touch from God and of course, He does not disappoint. I was beyond blessed to come and minister to this house, and I truly understand Paul when he writes to the Thessalonians about how he longs to return to them as I feel the same!


Power and Praise Ministries-Worship Team Vocalist and Choir- Gilroy, CA

Pastor Moses and Dorthy Mariscal

Church on the Rock- Youth Worship Team-Children’s Church Aid- Morgan Hill, CA

Pastor Fred and Teri Padilla

Praise Fellowship Int. Church-Youth Worship Leader-Worship Team-Los Banos, CA

Pastor Ed and Kathy Ram

Bethel Community Church-Youth Leader-Worship Team-Los Banos, CA

Pastor Steve and Terri Hammond

FPU University-Worship Team-Co-Worship Leader-Fresno, CA

Valley Christian Center-Worship Leader-Women’s Ministry Team-Children’s and Youth Ministry-Los Banos, CA

Pastor Travis and Karen Large

New Life Village Church-Worship Leader-Administrator-Santa Nella, CA

Pastor Clyde and Pat Hernandez

Harvest Church-Worship Team Co-Leader-Turlock, CA

Pastor Ron and Jennifer Eivaz

Harvest Merced-Worship Leader-Merced, CA

Pastor Jose and Shanna Gil

River of Life Church-Worship Team- Patterson, CA

Pastor Gilbert and Fannie Ibarra


Isaiah 6:8, says, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!”